Letter to Editor from Luke Travers’ Attorney

I am writing this letter as the attorney for the Rev. Luke Travers. “New Delbarton allegations and a troubling e-mail,” (April 15) showed there were no new allegations, but rather a criticism of how St. Mary’s Abbey was handling matters.

The e-mail is, I believe, a reflection of how troubling the abbey finds the allegations, but the Abbey also does not have all the facts and its investigation remains ongoing. All involved in this matter must understand that the investigation, however slow it might seem to some, should be allowed to go forward umimpeded, and people should at least attempt to keep an open mind.

There are certain inalienable tenets in our criminal justice system that apply to all of us, including due process and the presumption of innocence. These tenets have, at times, been swept aside.

But if the media’s obsession with this case continues, I wonder, on behalf of anyone ever charged with these types of allegations, if their reputations can ever be salvaged.
Father Luke is respecting protocols of a priest facing such accusations. He is in constant communication with me and others.

He has denied and continues to deny the allegations against him and rightly asks that the legal process be allowed to function without innuendo and unsavory, but unfounded facts.

Gerard E. Hanlon, Morristown

April 24, 2012

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